WordPlotter Example#

This example shows how to use the WordPlotter class to generate a word cloud to study the learner’s knowledge.

In this example, we use the KnowledgeClassifier to build a representation of the learner’s knowledge. You could also use other classifiers like NoveltyClassifier.

plot knowledge word
from truelearn import learning, datasets
from truelearn.utils import visualisations

# use a custom knowledge component
# you can always use your knowledge component here
# as soon as it follows the protocol of history aware knowledge component
data, _, _ = datasets.load_peek_dataset(test_limit=0, verbose=False)

# select a learner from data
_, learning_events = data[12]

classifier = learning.KnowledgeClassifier()
for event, label in learning_events:
    classifier.fit(event, label)

plotter = visualisations.WordPlotter()



Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 9.412 seconds)